Sustainability Management

As a third-generation family-owned company, Schnellecke assumes responsibility for the people in the company, society, and the environment in accordance with its values. Beyond the legal and regulatory framework, standards are set for all employees that guide them and make their achievements measurable.


13 Schnellecke 2018 Mandela Day(c)Donna Vd Watt Photography 410


People are at the center of our actions, which are characterized by respect and diligence.

Health is the greatest good. Therefore, the protection and occupational safety of people, as well as their advancement and further development, have top priority at Schnellecke.

As a globally active company, respect and the integration of different cultures are part of our daily business activities.

Schnellecke promotes the social commitment of its employees as well as social projects in its neighborhoods around the world. weltweit.




Schnellecke geht schonend mit den eingesetzten Ressourcen um und reduziert gezielt, nachhaltig und messbar seinen ökologischen Fußabdruck.

Zur kontinuierlichen Reduzierung der CO2 Emissionen setzt Schnellecke auf modernste Technik bei Fahrzeugen, Betriebsmitteln und Gebäuden.

Zum Beispiel werden LKWs mit batterieelektrischen- und Gasantrieben und Flurförderfahrzeuge mit Wasserstoffantrieb eingesetzt.

Ein intelligentes Gebäude-, Energie- und Abfallmanagement schont Ressourcen durch Vermeidung und Recycling.




Corporate Social Responsibility at Schnellecke

Sustainability has been a consistent principle at Schnellecke since the founding of the company. Corporate social responsibility is therefore not new territory for us but everyday reality.
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